About me

About me

Cosplay Photographer - Tours, France

In 2014, I discovered cosplay and also the work of photographers working in this field.

Seeing that it was possible to express a story and not just illustrate the work of cosplayers with a photo made me want to take photos of this kind. So, two years later, I launched myself into cosplay photography.

Thanks to the various conventions I took part in, I was able to meet lots of people, cosplayers and photographers alike, as well as developing my working methods and skills.

Over time, I’ve come to emphasise the notion of the scale of a photograph. I have a sometimes obsessive passion for the different aspects of a photograph. I apply myself to the acting, the rendering of colours and light, the facial expressions… More than just highlighting the costume, I attach just as much importance to the character itself. I have a penchant for emotional and dramatic atmospheres or romantic styles.

© 2022 ~ Adrien Nothias

Cosplay photography has enabled me to meet a lot of people and to travel around France and neighbouring countries.

Lately, I’ve been taking part in several photo events. I hope this will continue for many years to come.

I mainly work in cosplay photography but sometimes I do a bit of everything. I’ve done a bit of architecture, street photography, portraiture and wedding reportage on a very occasional basis.

Nevertheless, I’m above all a passionate, non-professional photographer. I regularly work on photo collaborations and take part in cosplay conventions.

For these collaborations, either I or the cosplayer contacts me. Before the shoot, I prepare the photos to be taken and research the setting.

On the day of the shoot, I invite the cosplayers to come along, especially if it’s their first collaboration, so that the atmosphere is as relaxed as possible. I take particular care to guide the less experienced cosplayers.

After the photo shoot, we make the final selection together before I start on the retouching.

Each shoot is governed by a contract offering mutual protection for everyone involved, with a deadline for sending the photos. I invite the participants in the shoot to let me know if there are any problems so that I can correct or improve my working methods.